Tuesday, October 21

The butterflies in my stomach they could bring me to my knees

Well everyone (and by everyone I mean Peter and Josh) updated their blogs so I decided I might as well too. Lets see, my weekend was very uneventful. Friday I went over to Druckers so he could transfer some files from my pc laptop over to my mac. I learned that drucker and I both share a love for the piano. We perfected our duet (and by perfected I mean almost played it a few times without error) and will go public with the duet in a few weeks. Get your tickets now, you don't wanna miss out.

Saturday I spent the whole day (literally) playing catch up in my accounting class. Around 6 I went over to a ladys house that I babysit for and watched her kids. We made bracelets and earrings and watched the magic school bus. Then around 8 the kids went to bed and I continued on with my studying. I woke up on Sunday and studied some more. Took the test on Monday and I think I did alright. I ran out of time and had to guess on the last 10 but besides that i was pretty confident about all my answers.

I feel like these past few months I have been sleeping. Not as in getting lost in a sea of blankets and counting sheep, but the type of sleeping where I have been blind to the things that are going on around me. Imagine eating a warm, crispy granny smith apple pie topped with the perfect amount of cinnamon and sugar. Each bite hitting all the right sensations in your mouth. Then in the midst of it you go and brush your teeth (Colgate, of course). You go back to eat your apple pie and it just doesn't taste the same. As the pie touches your tongue you get a bitter, tart taste rather than that delicious sensation you were tasting before. Well, in my life I feel that I have "just brushed my teeth". By this I mean that I am becoming aware of what truly matters in my life rather than surrounding myself with things/people that only fill me with a temporary (and possibly false) happiness. I am learning to see relationships as they really are and not just how I want them to be. I'm learning to stand on my own and take care of myself. Rather than relying on someone as my backbone, I am using my own. I'm Learning that the term "alone" does not mean "lonely". And throughout the past month, this process has given me a sense of security and safety in understanding self reliance. Most importantly, what I am learning is that wishing for something to occur is different from working toward making it happen. I have a goal and I will accomplish this goal. I truly feel that you get what you believe you deserve. With God and confidence by my side I am beginning to design the life that I deserve to live.

So what I'm trying to say is, never pick your nose in public because you never know whose watching.

Good day sir,

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