Thursday, September 18

sweet flaky goodness

Why is it that negative people feel the need to pour all of their problems on to you? It's as if they see that you are happy and they decide its time to rain on your parade. So they release a few of their negative thoughts onto you. They walk away feeling satisfied knowing that they have stolen a bit of your happiness. And you walk away feeling miserable (or as Emilie and I call it "naked, alone and confused"). What an awful and unfair trade! Unless you're on the negative side I suppose...

on a brighter note, oh how I love Thursdays. Finally, a day that doesn't revolve around derivatives & the accounting cycle (referring to school). I say we all get together tonight and create memories!

XO: Jennifer

1 comment:

Unknown said...

so true. do not let anyone be negative. only surround yourself with positive people, and you will end up living a positive life.