Saturday, September 20

time shall tell

Once again I have come back to the thought that I cannot wait until next year. I am so excited for something new. I'm not exactly sure which path I want to follow right now, but I know that whichever I choose to do will be the right one.

My options..

A) San Francisco. My ideal location to complete college since I was in high school. Not only san fran, but san fran with my best friend mr. peta nudo!

B) Colorado. cheaper housing and a winter wonderland!!! I almost feel that this would be more of a place to move after school. Yet, wouldn't mind starting that chapter of life a little sooner.

Blah, If only I could read the last page first. But I suppose the mystery is what makes life so wonderfully intriguing..

By the way, indulge your senses with the new Kings of Leon.

XO: Jennifer

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