Friday, September 26

whats the word thats burning in your heart

Well I've decided to copy Peter and structure today's blog a little..

Me: For whatever reason, everything that was upsetting me over the past couple months has subsided. I've surpassed my stage of looking at life with a 'glass half empty' attitude. I started to realize that the "things" that were bothering me just weren't even worth it. I honestly can't even really pinpoint what it was that was making me so upset. I think what it mostly came down to was that things in my life were starting to change and I was trying so hard to hold on to certain parts. More and more I'm learning to embrace change. Its really hard sometimes though. I hate how change can draw you so far from someone that you were once close with. But at the same time, bring you so close to others. But that's just a part of growing up. Things don't go wrong, they simply happen. There are just some things that are beyond your control. But It's these types of situations that build your character and make you who you are. You just have to let life play out and see where it takes you.

School: I honestly love school, I'm not going to lie. At times it can be very (veryyy) stressful, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I love to be challenged in life and that's exactly what this semester is doing for me. I have always been that person who just got by without any studying. I didn't excel this way, but I did average. I would pass all my classes but never really took too much out of them. It's amazing how good it feels to do good on a test that you put so many hours into studying for. Starting to realize how much I'm capable of by applying myself. Not only this, but I've been meeting some pretty awesome people in my classes. yayy for new friends!

Work: Not really much to say about work. I love my job. love love love. I actually look forward each day to going in. I'm gonna miss all those lil rascals when I leave.

Last night: September... ahh the month of birthdays! I'm not going to lie though, I enjoy any excuse for all of my friends to get together. Last night was mister Joshua Druckers birthday (actually today is, but we celebrated last night with all the close homies). It's awesome to see all the familiar faces from high school (who aren't so familiar anymore..). Jill and I got him a "5 Things you need for your 21st" gift. We included 1) flask of vodka (drinks at the bar can get expensive!) 2) A shot glass 3) 10 Dollars (to help out with the cab ride home..keep it safe!) 4) Advil 5) a bottle of water (hang over medicine). Then prior to leaving I cleaned up his whole house so he wouldn't have to wake up to a mess. Keep it safe tonight, Joshua!!!!

drucker opening the gift we got him
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jill aimee mandy me
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tommy alex jillian
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I'm so damn awkward!
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flip cup..!
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the bracelet I gave pete a month or 2 back that he loves
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